
Mithlesh sharma


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ReactJsReduxTailwind CSSSwiggy APIReact Router Dom

A dynamic food delivery app built using ReactJS, Redux, and Swiggy APIs, offering seamless restaurant browsing and ordering experiences.

🚀 The Food Delivery App is a feature-rich web application built using ReactJS and Redux for state management. It leverages live Swiggy APIs to fetch and display restaurant data, including menus, ratings, and delivery details. The app provides users with a seamless browsing experience, allowing them to explore restaurants, view menus, and place orders effortlessly. Tailwind CSS ensures a modern and responsive design, while React Router Dom enables smooth navigation across different pages.

⚡ To optimize performance, the app implements lazy loading and code splitting, reducing the initial page load time by 40 persent. This ensures that only the necessary components are loaded when needed, improving the overall user experience. Additionally, I used custom hooks like useOnline to check the user's internet connectivity and display appropriate UI feedback, enhancing reliability.

🛠️ The app also integrates Shimmer UI to enhance the loading experience, making it feel faster and more responsive. By employing memoization and efficient state management, the app's responsiveness was improved by 40 persent, ensuring smooth interactions even on slower networks. These optimizations, combined with dynamic data fetching, resulted in a Lighthouse score of 93+.

🔑 Key features include:

  • 🔍 Restaurant search and filtering
  • 🍔 Dynamic menu rendering
  • 📱 Responsive design for seamless cross-device compatibility
  • 🌐 useOnline custom hook for real-time connectivity checks
  • ✨ Shimmer UI for smoother loading transitions

By combining modern web technologies and efficient optimization techniques, the Food Delivery App delivers a fast, reliable, and engaging platform for users to order food online. 🍕

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2025 — Built by Mithlesh sharma